配樂:電影"納尼亞傳奇"原聲帶中的Here Comes The King


改變的力量 - 完整版

改變的力量 - 電視版

改變的力量 - 英文字幕版


台中縣長 黃仲生:我們可以改變  現在的困境                              (國)   
                 We can change the difficult position today                    
台北市長 郝龍斌:改變的時刻                                            (國)    
                 The moment to change                                          
嘉義市長 黃敏惠:這是一個關鍵的時刻                                    (台)    
                 This is a crucial moment                                      
                (貓空纜車 Maokong Cable Car)                                   
南投縣長 李朝卿:改變台灣的命運                                        (台)    
                 Change Taiwan's fate                                          
新竹市長 林政則:不要放棄改變的機會                                    (國)    
                 Do not give up the chance to change                           
彰化縣長 卓伯源:正直和善良會回來                                      (國)    
                 Integrity and the good will come back                         
台北市長 郝龍斌:改變台灣                                              (國)    
                 Change Taiwan                                                 
台東縣長 鄺麗貞:我們其實只差一步                                      (國)    
                 We are just one step away                                     
苗栗縣長 劉政鴻:台灣的未來                                            (國)    
                 Taiwan's future                                               
花蓮縣長 謝深山:台灣的希望                                            (國)   
                 Taiwan's hope                                                 
新竹市長 林政則:讓台灣  開往正確的方向                                (國)    
                 Let Taiwan move for the correct direction                     
嘉義市長 黃敏惠:需要你的參與                                          (台)    
                 Needs your participation                                      
宜蘭縣長 呂國華:台灣重新啟航                                          (國)    
                 Taiwan set sail again                                         
台北縣長 周錫瑋:台北縣準備好了                                        (國)    
                 Taipei county is well prepared                                
嘉義市長 黃敏惠:嘉義市已經準備好了                                    (國)    
                 Chiayi city is already well prepared                          
新竹市長 林政則:新竹市已經準備好了                                    (國)    
                 Hsinchu city is already well prepared                         
南投縣長 李朝卿:南投縣向前行                                          (台)    
                 Nantou county move forward                                    
彰化縣長 卓伯源:彰化縣報到                                            (國)    
                 Changhua county reporting                                     
苗栗縣長 劉政鴻:苗栗一定要向前行                                      (國)    
                 Miaoli county must move forward                               
                (台鐵火車 Train express by Taiwan railway)                    
新竹縣長 鄭永金:台灣發光的時候                                        (客)   
                 The time Taiwan to shine                                      
                 The Hsinchu people will not miss it                           
台中市長 胡志強:台中市加油                                            (國)    
                 Be strong, Taichung city                                      
澎湖縣長 王乾發:澎湖縣報到                                            (台)    
                 Penghu county reporting                                       
桃園縣長 朱立倫:桃園需要你                                            (國)    
                 Taoyuan county needs you                                      
基隆市長 張通榮:基隆啟航                                              (台)    
                 Keelung city set sail                                         
宜蘭縣長 呂國華:宜蘭向前行  台灣一定贏                                (台)    
                 Yilan county move forward, Taiwan certainly wins              
花蓮縣長 謝深山:不要缺席  更不可放棄                                  (國)    
                 Do not absent yourself and eventually don't give up           
台東縣長 鄺麗貞:只要一個決定                                          (國)    
                 Just a decision                                               
                 would be able to change the future for the children           
                (嘉義:北回歸線標 Mark of Tropic of cancer in Chiayi)          
                (雲林:北港觀光大橋 Bridge in Yunlin)                       
                (高雄:斜張橋 Bridge in Kaohsing)                             
                (台南:赤崁樓 Chihkan Tower in Tainan city)                    
                (台中:洲際棒球場 Baseball stadium in Taichung) 台中市長 胡志強
花蓮縣長 謝深山:讓我們找回台灣的希望                                  (國)    
                 Let us retrieve the hope for Taiwan                           
台北縣長 周錫瑋:攀向台灣新的高峰點                                    (國)    
                 Climb towards Taiwan's nee peak                               
台中縣長 黃仲生:只要你投下神聖的一票                                  (國)    
                 As long you vote                                              
澎湖縣長 王乾發:我們的子孫才有好的希望                                (台)    
                 Our descendants will have gooe hope                           
                (基隆:中正公園 觀音像 Goddess of mercy statue)                
                   改變台灣 每一個縣市  每一個人 都準備好了                  
                 Every county and city, every person is all well prepared      
                (台中:大甲鎮瀾宮 Temple in Taichung) 台中縣長 黃仲生          
國民黨候選人 馬英九:為了台灣的未來                                    (國)
                     For Taiwan's future                                      
                     為了你我的下一代  台灣一定要改變                          
                     For our next genration, Taiwan must change                
國民黨黨主席 吳伯雄:改變才有機會                                      (客)    
                     There is a chance when you change                         
                     Political parties to transfer power again                 
                     Taiwan will win                                           
副總統候選人 蕭萬長:讓大家過好日子  這是我們的承諾                    (國)    
                     Let everyone a good life, this is our pledge              
國民黨候選人 馬英九:讓大家過好日子  這是我們的保證                    (台)    
                     Let everyone a good life, this is our assurance           
副總統候選人 蕭萬長:322投2號                   (台)    
                     322(March 22), vote for No.2                              
國民黨候選人 馬英九:322投2號                                     (國)    
                     322(March 22), vote for No.2                              
                     Cast the vote that decides Taiwan's future             
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